The Nervous Bear Story - Hindi Story for Kids
Watch The Nervous Bear Story - Hindi Story for Kids | घबराया हुआ भालू कहानी 3D Animated Bedtime Stories
#HindiStories #BedtimeStories #AnimatedStories #MoralStories
The Nervous Bear English Bedtime Stories for Kids - 3D Animated Cartoon Animals Stories for Children | Stories of the Forest.
#AnimalsStories for kids, Stories of the Forest is an animated series featuring quirky animals and interesting #KidsStories and #3dAnimationStories. Hope you love it! #BedtimeStories Story: The friendships in the Forest are pretty inspiring and encouraging. They understand each other really well and are always smart in solving each other’s problems. Let us take a look at one such story today. The Horse and the Bear were best friends. The Horse was a calm and peaceful animal while the Bear was always unhappy. One day, they were playing in the lovely garden and the Bear looked very disappointed. (Horse) - “Now what is your problem today?” (Bear) - “You know, there is a shortage of Bamboo in the Forest. That’s my favorite food. I wonder what will I do now”. (Horse) - “Come on man. The shortage is not that bad. You will always get enough bamboos”. (Bear) - “But I...” (Horse) - “Stop worrying about each and everything my dear friend. That will not do you any good. Just look at you now. We are playing and you are almost crying. You think that makes me feel good?” (Bear) - “I am sorry dear friend.” (Horse) - “That is okay. Now keep playing.” (Bear) - “Oh this headache might become really serious”. (Horse) - “You said it’s only a minor pain right. Just go home and take rest. You will be alright tomorrow.” (Bear) - “But what if the pain grows and becomes unbearable. I have heard my great great grandfather died of headache”. (Horse) - “Rubbish. Who told you these things? Just take rest. You will be fine”. Still nervous, the Bear goes into his home. (Bear) - “Ho... I cannot walk as swiftly as before. I think I have added weight. Oh My God, Am I a fatty now Horse?”. (Horse) - “What’s wrong with you? You are as good as always.” (Bear) - “No.. I have added weight. Oh No... My Uncle became obese and died of heart attack. Will I have the same fate?”. (Horse) - “Well... Not just you... Even I am tired. It's been a long walk. Can you get me some water from the lake”. (Bear) - “Sure”. (Bear) - “I am sorry friend but I don’t think it’s good to drink that water. It’s muddy”. (Horse) - “Oh is it? That’s okay. Let’s rest here for some time” The Horse and the Bear sit near a tree in the lake and they slowly fall asleep. After a while, the Bear gets up. He calls the Horse. (Bear) - “Get up friend... Let us continue our journey”. The Horse slowly gets up. (Horse) - “Yes... But before we start, I would like to drink some water from the lake. Can you please go and check again?” (Bear) - “Is it really needed? I think the water will still be muddy”. (Horse) - “Just go and check please”. The Bear gets up and goes near the lake. To his surprise, he finds the lake absolutely clean. Excited, the Bear takes a leaf from a nearby plant and takes water in it. And then, he gives it to the Horse. The Horse looks at the clean water and tells the Bear; (Horse) - “See... What did you do to make the water clean? You just gave it time and allowed it to settle down! That is what you should do to yourself too. When you are disturbed, you just have to settle down and allow the worries to go away on its own. Thus, your mind will be clean and pure without any tension at all!” (Bear) - “This is the greatest lesson I have learned in life dear friend”. (Horse) - “See. Even the lake in the Forest can teach you so many things.” (Bear) - “You are right”. They laugh and enjoy the pure water before they continue their journey.

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