Monday, December 30, 2019

The Fox and The Crane Telugu Story - కొంగ మరియు నక్క నీతి కధ

The Fox and The Crane:

Watch The Fox and The Crane Telugu Story - కొంగ మరియు నక్క నీతి కధ 3D Animated Telugu Kids Moral Stories

#FoxandCraneStory #JOJOKids #telugumoralstories

#FoxandCraneStory #JOJOKids Once there is a fox and is a fox and crane, one day the fox invited crane to his home for dinner. the crane agreed and went to fox home. the fox served the food on the plate. the crane was not able to eat food because the crane nose is very long. the crane was very sad and thought that he wants to do a tit for tat to the fox. The crane invited the fox to his home for dinner and served food in the bottle the fox understands the mistake and realized. the moral of this #foxandcranestory is don't do others feel sad. the bad thing you did others will affect us. Watch best #telugumoralstories and #fairytales for kids.

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